Meet the Lucy
Your intelligent and reliable virtual assistant, designed to enhance human interaction and problem-solving in the digital age.
Advanced AI Capabilities
Discover how Lucy combines advanced chat capabilities, autonomous efficiency, and multimodal interactions to transform your workflow
Beyond Assistant
Automate workflows, develop custom agents, and integrate seamlessly with notes, documents, and web pages. Take full advantage of Lucy as your dedicated assistant and co-pilot.
Autonomous Efficiency
Delegate repetitive tasks effortlessly. Get custom research summaries and event-based notifications directly in your inbox.
Multimodal Capabilities
Answer complex questions seamlessly by connecting insights from your data and the internet. Visualize concepts and engage in voice interactions.
Built for Privacy & Security
Experience lightning-fast performance with enterprise-grade security.
Our open-source infrastructure scales instantly to meet your growing needs.
Lucy is one of the fastest assistants in the world, delivering real-time interactions with a strong emphasis on speed and security.
With her scalable infrastructure, Lucy adapts instantly to growing user demands.
Lucy's open-source foundation empowers developers with endless customization and innovation opportunities.